
Parent Engagement

When parents are involved, pupils take more responsibility for their learning, and accountability is heightened.

Now, with the welcome creation of the innovative 21st-century digital classroom, parents can stay intimately connected through mobile apps—including the school’s Student information system (SIS) is a leading school operations student information system solution for educational institutions.

At Seven Pillars International School, teachers can quickly and easily email parents directly through the school system.
This happens through our Google Online Classrooms and our Learning Management System; PowerSchool.

Parents can receive push notifications to their mobile devices and access online parent portals that are updated in real time and available at their convenience. With Schoology Learning, parents can stay up to date with pupil progress and have access to teachers in real-time.

The best part is that the communication doesn’t just flow one way. Instead, it’s a genuinely collaborative process with symmetrical two-way, back-and-forth communication between teachers and parents, along with pupils and administrators. Parents can respond and ask teachers questions specific to their pupil’s education and receive personalized feedback.